Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Thoughts

This year for Thanksgiving we stayed home and had my mom, sister and new brother in law over for a nice feast.  We had a lot of fun all pitching in to make the meal and prepare for our guests.

Alex made the pumpkin gooey butter cake, Pioneer Woman's chocolate pie and sweet potato casserole.

Tommy made the mashed potatoes and homemade stuffing.

Faith made chocolate chip cookies. 

I supervised and made the rest.  :)

It was great to have everyone helping and working together and I think that was the best part of it all!  The food turned out delicious!  We ate at noon and then went for leftovers about 9pm that night.  We tried watching a late night family movie, but I do believe there is a secret drug in the food that knocks you out!  Faith and I did not stay awake for long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so great!!! Love that y'all were all together.