Sunday, November 14, 2010

We survived!

I lost my blog focus again and forgot to post that we survived (for 2 hours) in the cold snowy mountains!  What a story to share...

My sweet husband really wanted to take his girls on a fun camping experience in the beautiful North Georgia mountains.  We should have known when the deer hit the side door of our van that it was not the right time to go camping.  :(

So, after the deer accident we decided to truck along up the mountain to the GPS coordinate that we had saved for our prime camping spot.  Along the way, we noted the dark clouds that hovered over the upcoming mountain.  The GPS took us on quite the scenic route where I do believe we went to Tennessee and North Carolina and then back around until we realized that we were pretty lost.  All the while, it was SNOWING, SLEETING AND RAINING.  The snow was accumulating and I just kept remembering that God was with us and if we got stuck at least we had a van full of warm sleeping bags and plenty of food!

At about 9:30PM, we arrived at our destination.  :)  Now, the Lord was really testing my ability to submit to my head of household.  Where my old Mandy self would have really given him a real hard time (or ran home on my own) I was in good spirits even though I had a pretty good feeling it was not going to work out.

When we arrived,  it was of course pitch black...remember we are in primitive BEAR country.  So with the help of our headlights and lanterns, we all 4 worked together and pitched a tent, got a fire going, peeled potatoes, cut up onions and cooked dinner on a small gas stove IN THE SLEET AND SNOW.  Yes, at this point the girls thought this was awesome.  Can you picture me...scarf around my head and many layers of clothes sitting at a table peeling potatoes all the while sleet is covering the table??  A sight to see! 

After Tommy finished frying up our dinner, I went into the tent and attempted to lay down.  It was so cold!  Maybe with living in Georgia for the past 10 years has really changed what I define as cold.  It was about 30 degrees and wet even though I grew up with temps getting down into the teens and single digits.  I couldn't do it.  I didn't want to say it, but I knew I couldn't sleep on the ground.  I made my mind up that I'd just sleep in the van.  Then Faith started...very dramatic...I can't do it Mama...its too cold.  Party over.  When Faith starts the whining it is sometimes a point of no return.  Poor Alex.  She was so disappointed.  She really wanted to tough it out with her Daddy and have something cool to tell her friends at school.  :)

So, while I sat in the warm van with my little cold daughter...Alex and Tommy broke down the campsite and loaded up the van and we headed home.  I drove home and of course our reliable GPS took us the wrong way home where we went through more unnecessary mountains and finally reached my warm house at 4am. 

Now, some might say this was a dumb idea.  I say that it is a memory that my girls will probably tell their grandchildren!  *With more exaggeration of course*  The BEST memory I will have from this event is hearing my non planning husband say...Next time I think we should make a plan!

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